Monday, June 23, 2014

Solid Jesus!

Thought for the day...Never put your complete trust in anything other then the Lord and His Word! They are completely infallible, never changing, stable and faithful. Man will change, forget, and disappoint, but the gracious and powerful, Lord Jesus, never misses a deadline, breaks a promise or procrastinates. He will fed, you, clothe you, comfort, and keep you. He is our Boaz, Kinsmen Redeemer. He will bless you and not ask for it back. He is not shaky, or vacillating. He doesn't sleep, always has time for your call(prayer). His car doesn't break down, he never gets tired of your problems, he won't delete your number, even if you do him wrong! You don't have to track him down.. When you call His name JESUS,HE WILL COME AND SEE ABOUT YOU! Make Him your friend and serve. Song says "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand." Are you crying because you built your trust on a sandy situation or person? Dry those tears! Don't worry.. the real ROCK, the Chief Cornerstone. .JESUS still stands and He will support every word.. that he has proclaimed!
Holler! and have a blessed day! Dr. Joyce Taylor Moten

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