Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Looking for Boaz

Thought for the Day..I always hear women saying that their Boaz is coming.
Did you know Ruth was a hard worker?! Unlike Esther who was in preparation to be the Queen of Persia, pampered and prepared. Ruth was prepared in the crucible of hardship and a strong work ethic. She was the sole provider for her family, a stranger in a land that rejected Moabites, a widow. She had the odds stacked against her. She went out during harvest to glean in the fields. The poor, gleaned th...e fields of the prosperous, who were admonished by the LORD to leave some of the crop in the field for the poor.
If you know anything about harvesting or picking crops..it is hard work. You arise early before the sun comes out so it won't be hot! You exert yourself physically to gather your harvest. You must wear clothing that protects you from the environment, your shoes must accommodate the terrain. You sweat! No nails, hair and red bottoms please! She worked by the sweat of her brow. Boaz observed her HARD WORK and Service to her Mother in law.
When Naomi told Ruth to put on her best and perfume, that is because Boaz always saw her in work clothes. It is like wearing a uniform all the time then you show up at the Formal..laid out in all your finery and someone says.. "Who's that Lady?"
Ruth and Rebecca were working hard serving, when they were noticed..so if you expect an Isaac or Boaz. .SERVE. Yes, Esther was Queen, but she was in competition with hundreds if women. Ruth was noticed for her integrity of character, strength and faithfulness to her poor, broken Mother in law Naomi. Boaz heard about her good works and observed her diligent spirit of excellence. :Likewise,Rebecca was watering the camels. They were not working to be noticed or get a husband, they were working because they loved their families! Commitment reaped a reward!
So if you are LOOKING.... for Boaz to come, STOP! The man who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord! Boaz is looking for a faithful, strong servant of the LORD. Work and serve the LORD..gather in harvest time. The Lord will bless you for your service to him. He knows what you need...Hey..keep that dress ready though and that perfume. You never know about that suddenly! LOL!
Holler!!!! Hallelujah, today..it is the truth anyhow! and God Bless you! As my dear friend First Lady Shereta Hill-Middleton would say..and now I "DROP THE MIKE!" Dr. Joyce Taylor Moten

Monday, June 23, 2014

Solid Jesus!

Thought for the day...Never put your complete trust in anything other then the Lord and His Word! They are completely infallible, never changing, stable and faithful. Man will change, forget, and disappoint, but the gracious and powerful, Lord Jesus, never misses a deadline, breaks a promise or procrastinates. He will fed, you, clothe you, comfort, and keep you. He is our Boaz, Kinsmen Redeemer. He will bless you and not ask for it back. He is not shaky, or vacillating. He doesn't sleep, always has time for your call(prayer). His car doesn't break down, he never gets tired of your problems, he won't delete your number, even if you do him wrong! You don't have to track him down.. When you call His name JESUS,HE WILL COME AND SEE ABOUT YOU! Make Him your friend and serve. Song says "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand." Are you crying because you built your trust on a sandy situation or person? Dry those tears! Don't worry.. the real ROCK, the Chief Cornerstone. .JESUS still stands and He will support every word.. that he has proclaimed!
Holler! and have a blessed day! Dr. Joyce Taylor Moten